Tuesday 5 March 2013

Is Paternity Testing For You?

DNA testing - paternity testing

Cheap paternity test

Advances in medical testing have now made it possible for couples to find out the true paternity of their child by up to 99.9 % probability. Based on sound scientific principles, its results are unchallengeable for biological father and child relationship. It is the most precise test available till now. It has helped to unite many families that were separated by boundaries or that were falling apart on unproved suspicions, but is it for you?
DNA testing and its easy availability seems to have opened a Pandora’s Box which may not always produce the result you wanted to know. It is sometimes undertaken when the court demands it, and can help the child to get his rights from his biological father. It is also used to settle inheritance claims, child custody cases and so on. But more often, it has seemed to become a tool to confirm one’s suspicions only. The question is, does it help to foster trust in a relationship or does it lead to more complications? There are even instances of partners getting a DNA test done without the consent of the other.
The basis of every relationship is mutual trust and doubts eat away the very foundation. Every individual is different and a noticeable disparity among siblings does not always mean that their biological father is different. The decision to go for a test should always be a well-thought out one. If the bond between father and child has already formed, then it is sometimes better to let things be rather than cause hurt to all involved. This is especially relevant if a lot of time has elapsed. There have been cases where paternity testing ordered for immigration purposes have turned up surprising results. But can a DNA test or proof of paternity break the strong bond that has developed over the years of bonding and caring?
In rare cases it is used by adults to find their biological family in cases of adoption or separation for any other reason. But, is a biological link more important than the person who accepted the child as his own? In some cases, it is better to opt for counseling before proceeding with the test. One also needs to be prepared for the fact that the biological parent may not wish to meet his child and disrupt his life. There can be a lot of disappointment and heartbreak for all concerned. On the other hand, it can bring a lot of joy too.
Cheap paternity testing can help to answer troubling questions or raise new unexpected ones. But they can definitely be used to clear the picture for once and all. It can put an end to uncertainty and unnecessary doubts, laying the ground for trust again. Paternity DNA testing can be for you, if there have been more than one partner. If you do decide to go for a paternity test then, buccal samples of all three, the child, mother and alleged father are preferable as the child inherits DNA from both his parents.

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